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Why COBRand Loves the Indie Games.

A screengrab from our very own Harry, (TinhornGnu213)'s playthrough of the recently releases 'Pathogen X'.

So if you've been with us for a while, or any length of time really, you may have noticed we like to play and upload a lot of games made by indie developers.

Some of the greatest games ever made started from indie developers, Stardew Valley, Undertale, Among Us, Cuphead and countless more.

COBRand mainly started with Rainbow Six Siege uploads, a game developed by the colossal Ubisoft, specifically their Montreal branch. While we love our larger game developers, we all individually have a soft spot for the indie ones too.

One of the main reasons being, they're often easier to reach out too and discuss their products with. We love doing this with the smaller studios as it allows us to gain some feedback on our videos and show that their work is appreciated, albeit through a small in size channel base.

This level of communication works in circles, we get to play exciting new games that can at any point catch on and be marvels, smaller studios get appreciation for their hard work and niche audiences can get content more tailored to them. At the end of the day, every game will be someone's favourite.

As long as indie companies keep putting out their amazing work, we will continue supporting it.


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